Quicktrick Chris My monster's name is Quicktrick. He has three medium circle eyes that are orange, blue, and green. The orange eye is on the left. The center eye is blue. His right eye is green. He has black dots in his eyes. Quicktrick doesn't have a head. He has three medium sized necks that are green, blue, and orange. His necks are connected to his eyes. Quicktrick has a fat brown oval body. In the middle of his body he has a small white oval. Quicktrick has a brown rectangular arm on the right of his body. The arm is slanted up. His palm is orange. The talons are connected to his palm. His top talon is blue and his bottom talon is green. Quicktrick has four lines like legs on the bottom of his body. His left leg is orange, Next is blue, then brown and green. by Chris