POC Natalie Santos 1. Draw 2 orange chicken legs. 2. Draw 1 rectangular green dress with pink spots. 3. Draw a pink pig tail. 4 .Draw 1 blue squiggly octopus arm on each side of the top of the dress. 5. Draw 2 pink squiggly necks. 6 .On each of the necks,draw 1 round pink head. 7. Put 2 blue eyes inside each of the heads but towards the top. 8. Put a U-shaped mouth on each of her faces. 9. Put a pink pig nose on each of her faces but above the mouth. 10. Put long purple hair on each of the tops of her heads. 11. Put 2 pink pig ears on each of the tops of her heads. 12. Put an apple on the tip of her arm.