Spikes Timmy L. My monster has a small body. It is made up of 2 horizontal squiggly arms that are 2 1/2 inches long each and are connected in the middle. He has 3 spikes at the end of each arm. His head is squared with curved corners. He has 18 eyes on his main head and 2 eyes on each of his other heads coming out of his neck. On the right head's body, there is a claw coming out of the middle of his body on the bottom side. On the left head, his body has a claw coming out of the middle of his body on his bottom side. On his right head, it has five spikes on the top. On his left head, he has 7 spikes on the top. On his main head, he has 8 pieces of curved spikes for hair. He has 4 squiggly legs and on the bottom of each leg are 2 spikes. He has one tail with 3 spikes on the bottom. The tail is coming out of the left leg. There are spikes on the separate heads neck. On the left head, there are 5 spikes on the top and 10 spikes on the bottom. On the right head, there are 5 spikes on the top and 6 spikes on the bottom. All of the spikes are silver. His whole body is green. His hair is yellow. On his main face and his separate faces, there is a squiggly, circular mouth on each. Within this mouth, there is another squiggly, circular mouth. On each separate face, there are 2 squiggly circle eyes.