The Lemonhead Monster Nick T. To make my monster's head make a lemon shape, horizontal or vertical, then color in the head yellow. Then you make slime that fits this description : green slime oozing down the head .Then to make the hair, use red and orange .To make the eyes make round red eyes. To make the nose and mouth: first to make the nose, make a green triangle and color it in green. To make the mouth make a half a circle with sharp pointy teeth. Then you are done with the head,hair, nose, and mouth. To make the neck make 2 lines that are orange and color the space between them orange. Then to make the body make a green oval shape belly and color in the the oval shape green. To make the hands make 2 oval shaped hands and color it in red and 5 orange fingers on the end and color in the fingers orange. Then to make the legs and the feet to make the legs make2 vertical ovals with brown and color in them in brown then to make the feet make2 horizontal ovals and color them half red and half yellow and make slime on the feet and color it green.