Silly Denisse MY MONSTER DESCRIPTION My monster has a medium size round body. His three arms are like spaghetti strips . He has a star as a belly button.His five legs are like spaghetti strips. My monster 's head is a square.He has one antenna sticking out on each side.He has four antennas on top of his head . He has three eyes , one triangle nose,and one happy smile. COLORS His body is purple.His three arms that are sticking out are orange .His belly button is also orange .His five legs are blue .His square head is pink .His four antennas are blue [the ones that are on top of his head ].His two antennas that are on each side of his head are red .His three eyes are brown[they are above the nose ].The green triangle nose is in between the yellow smile and brown eyes. THE END BY Denisse