Cat in the Hat Jake K. Let me introduce my mystical monster friend, "Cat in a Hat", otherwise known as CH. CH has a square-cat head in a sense of a square with two pointy ears and a half circle between them. He has two big, circle black eyes and no nose. You can't miss his red face because it's the part that will scare you. It is also the reason I named him a "Cat in a Hat" because he is covered in a red hat! He has a blue, very skinny vacuum head for a mouth. His body is all blue! CH's good-sized neck runs from his big head to a really skinny body. I hate to say "Cat in a Hat" is not very muscular, but it does not affect him or his line of work (You'll find out later). Ch has six snake tails-three on each side of him. The top hands on both sides are webbed. On all his other hands (4) he has three black fingers. Moving onto more personal info. I can tell you that he lives in your furnace room and when he is heard at night, if ever, he is mistaken for house creaks. Ch's webbed hands are for cleaning air and water. Ch's other hands can dust, move, you name it. But the coolest thing about CH is that he has two spikes on each of his feet, which allow him to walk up things with out leaving a dent! Next time you walk by your furnace room make sure "Cat in a Hat" is not being lackadaisical.