Frojoe Joey Frojoe My monster's name is Frojoe. He has a fairly normal shaped head. He has an afro the color of the sun. His head is green and contains 3 red eyes, two diagonal lines for his nostrils. He has green lips and no teeth. The inside of his mouth is black. His neck and arms are green and very muscular. In his right hand he is dribbling a Spalding basketball. He wears a basketball jersey that says 'Martians' on it. The basketball jersey is red and blue around the rim of the neck and shoulders. The words 'Martians' is spelled in bold black letters. His jersey has a few wrinkles because it is tucked into his shorts. His shorts are blue and they are made for three legs. His three legs are green and muscular. He is wearing ankle length socks and basketball shoes that are black on the bottom.