monster Rezan Robbie Rezan Rezan has a heart shaped head only it doesn't round of it has straight lines. With one horn sticking straight up and has six lines going through it from left to right an start with green then pink in between the lines. Rezan has another two horns that stick out diagonally out of the upper sides of the head. They have stripes that are diagonal and its starts brown then green. Its eyes look like squashed v's and has a line that goes through the middle of his head and lines that break diagonally. His neck goes down the side of his head and after about an inch and then his chest starts and there is a line going from left to right only a inch from left to right in the space is blue. Then at the end of the left side of his neck there is a wing that is going down with a stretched out z separating it from the body and the wing. The wing has black diagonal stripes going down it and the same thing on the other side only the z is a back ward. He has a tail and in the center of his chest there is a ying-yang in the middle.