Bob Ian Bob Bob has an oval shape head that has two black horns. Bobs teeth are pointy and near the middle he has two very large teeth two on each of his jaws he has a forked tongue hissing. Bob has black eyes. Bob also has red, orange and yellow fire coming out of his mouth. His eyes are like those of a shark they are black. Down his neck he has big red spikes, as the spikes go down the neck the spikes get smeller. At the end of Bobs tail there are no spikes his tail forks out the two ends have battleaxes. The axes are both gray. Bob has six black legs each leg has three or four red spikes and three claws except for the one that is near the top of his body, it has four claws they with the rest are red. The long worm like body is black he has a beer belly. Bob has green wing s in the middle of his back he has two black spikes on the end of his wings.