Lt. Sr. Major Mr.Funky Courtney Lt. Sr. Major Mr. Funky My monster has an ice cream coned like shaped head that is violet. He's got 5 eyes. There is one in the middle and one on each side of its distinctive eye. The eyes around the circled distinctive eye are oval shaped. All his eyes have green pupils and orange backgrounds. His teeth are very straight but his mouth is like a u shape. His teeth are very bright and yellow. His nose is like a pig but it is blue. My monsters ears are oval like his eyes but his ears are pink and they are attached to his head on both sides. His hair an Afro and its horizontally striped Dark-blue and dark-green. Its neck is very long and pink like his shirt. On each side of the sleeves there is a #. On the left there is a # 5 and on the left there's a 3,it stands for 53. His pants are big, wide, long and yellow. He has red rollups on his pants. His shoes are blue and there is a Nike check mark on them.