Bonzi Nick Bonzi's best friends are Fire Breath and Ed the red head. Bonzi lives in China. He helps carry people to different places. This is how he looks. He has an egg shaped head standing up. His neck comes down in a egg cut a little at the top. A little down his neck he has short arms and three sharp fingers on each side. Then at the end of his belly he has medium sized legs with scaly feet with three toes. His tail comes out his right leg. It curves up then down between his legs. There are spikes on his tail going in the middle of it. On the top of his head he has two eyes at the top. And one spike on the top of his head. His wings go up over his arms and down at the end of his belly. His lines in his wings are green and his wings are yellow. His head is green his spikes are red orange. His belly is yellow with black lines. And his body and tail is green.