GrimLos Tad GrimLos GrimLos is about 2 feet tall. His hat is old, frumpy, black and pilgrim looking with a green rim, blue band around the middle and a gold buckle. His head is shaped like a football, almost oval. Coming from his forehead is a short horn. Huge blue eyes with tiny bushy brows and a thin squiggly mouth making him look disappointed and sad. On each end of his squiggly mouth is a fang {one on the left and one on the right}. His face and belly are tan and his body is covered in short brown fuzzy fur. He has short stubby arms and five fingers, at the end of each finger is a sort but pointed claw. His legs are short and have three claws on each foot. In his left hand he is dragging a chain with a bat frog flying on the end. His right hand is scratching his stomach.