Eugene Amanda Eugene Eugene has a head the size of a soft ball. He has two regularly human placed eyes that have light brown eyebrows above each eye. His eyes are orange with black dots in the middle. His nose is a horizontal oval. It is yellow. His mouth is red and it is diagonally left from his nose. His ears are circle halves off of his head right by the eyes. His ears are red. Then his body is smaller than his head. He has a horizontal line going across the middle of his body. The top part is green with ten diagonally blue stripes. Then off side there are two pretty small half circles. They are green. Then he has arms off those about one inch they are green with orange dots. The other half of the body is light brown. His feet are about an inch long with shoes. You can't tell were the feet and the legs meet. The left foot and leg are purple and the other is shoe and leg is blue. That is my monster Eugene.