Catomia Michael Catomia Catomia has a small blue head with brown eyes, a brown nose, and a brown mouth. Catomia has two small ears. Both are orange. His hair is big and yellow with a brown neck. With a big blue body and big blue arms the right hand is holding a red and blue striped basket and in the left hand he has a red and black suit. Both arms have arms growing out of them. Both those arms are brown with black football shaped hands. The right brown arm has another black arm going up to the ear. His legs arm red with sandals that are half red and half blue. There are legs growing out of the normal ones the one on the right is going up it not to long not to long it is brown. The one on the left side is a long black one going down. And It Is tall about 3 quarters of the paper in real life it is about 15'9.