Fuzzy Fairy Chris My monster's name is Fuzzy Fairy. His head is one and a half inches high and one inch in. He has an oval shaped head. His nose is a carrot with green roots sticking out of the three-fourths inch carrot. Then he has two stars that are yellow sticking out above the nose. He has a yellow banana for the nose. His hair is one and three tenths high and goes down to one-tenth millimeters so it makes a triangle. His ears are half a centimeter from his hair, so it looks like two half circles sticking out of his head. Everything is outlined in black marker except for his nose, eyes, and mouth. Make a diamond under his neck so it has the point on top of the diamond and is connected to his head. It surrounds his neck and goes down and has little jagged ends at the bottom. They are twelve centimeters high and six and a half across the dress. Fuzzy Fairy has one thumb and three fingers on each hand. The left arm is scratching its armpit and the other is just bent so it is close to hit his armpit. His legs are bent so it looks like he is going to jump. The legs have red and white stripes on them. The ballet slippers he is wearing are pointing down. His dress is red. Fuzzy Fairy has brown spots in all the blank spots left over.