Gonagalle Samantha Her name is Gonagalle. She has a big rectangular head going up and down that has two points at the top edges. In between the two points inside of the head is a small swirl for an eye, which is purple. About a mm below the eye is a small rectangle going up and down. It is outlined in brown and colored orange. Then add one rectangle to each long side, the same size and color. The inside of the head is pink. Underneath the face and two brown lines is a long purple rectangle about a cm wide and about 1.5 inches long. From the bottom corner of the purple rectangle draw a diagonal line going up and down outward, about a half an inch long. At the end of that line draw an inch long line going down then connect it. That box is green. In the outside bottom middle of the green box draw human pants that are orange. Inside the green box, at the bottom draw eight small squiggly lines that go all the way across. At the top of the purple line draw about a 2 mm diagonal line going down and out. From that draw about an inch long diagonal line going down and out. Then draw a small line going in and then up. That is red. Those are the arms. At the end of the arms and pants draw 2 small triangles that are purple. At the top of the head draw 7 brown hairs from the corner down that start out big and get smaller. At the top of the head draw one eyebrow that curves in a little bit in the middle. Draw 3 smaller brown hairs on each side. Now you have created Gonagalle.