Puff-Puff Ashley My monster's name is Puff-Puff. First you draw a circle for her head. Next you draw a triangle for her body (you can't see the top point because it's behind the head). Next around the head draw 30 stars and color them yellow. Near the top of her head draw 3 circles (eyes). Draw a dot in the middle of each one and draw 3 eyelashes on each eye. For her nose draw a circle with 2 dots in the middle (so it looks like a pig nose). Then draw 8 spikes around the nose. For the mouth draw an upside down frown (a smile). Put 2 pink dots at the end of each end of the smile. Color the smile blue and the 2 dots pink. Draw an orange circle (medium) at the top of her head. Draw one on the right and one on the left. Draw 13 purple spikes around each one. Next draw a half oval coming out of the left side of her body and one out of the right side. Draw a half circle coming out of the bottom of her. For the left half oval color it yellow and color the right one pink. For the circle split it in half and color the left side pink and the right side yellow. For the tail make it sticking up and color it blue with 3 orange spikes. Color the eyes yellow and the nose color it orange. Outline the pink half circle yellow and the yellow one pink. You just made Puff-Puff.