One-Eyed George Katie My monsters name is One-Eyed George. His head is a one and a half inch by six centimeter round circle. In about the center of his head is an oval nose with two smaller circles in it just like a pig. His eye is about one centimeter above his nose. It is a circle with a slightly smaller one inside. His mouth is in the shape of a watermelon with a U sticking out of the bottom middle (this is under the nose). He has two circular ears with tiny triangles in the middle. One-Eyed George has short, spiky pink hair going around his head from ear to ear. He has a bow at the top of his head (a circle with two triangles on the side). He has a one-inch by one-inch neck. My monster has a square shaped sleeveless shirt with an upside down triangle at the top between the bottom of his neck and the top of his shirt. His arms are 4 cm long out from his shirt and then going straight down about 5 cm. There are short brown hairs sticking out of his shirt. Then add 3 spiked fingers. Under his shirt is a belt with a circle in the middle. My monster's pants are in the shape of an upside-down U. He has boots with small heels, and they are both facing to the right. The boots are pink. The pants are blue, and the belt is brown with a yellow circle. His shirt is orange, and his mouth is yellow. His eye is yellow as well. One-Eyed George has a pink nose, and purple ears suit him best with the white triangles inside. He also has a purple bow at the top of his head. The rest of his body is green. That is how you draw One-Eyed George.