Noodle Man-Bot Amanda My monster's name is Noodle Man-Bot. His head measures 2 centimeters across and 6 centimeters down. He has rectangular ears that measure 1 centimeter across and ' a centimeter up. His eyes are ' a centimeter across and 1 centimeter down. His mouth is also a rectangle. It measures 1 centimeter across and 4 millimeters down. His eyes are green, his mouth is red, and his head and ears are yellow. His neck is ' a centimeter (cm) across and 1 cm down. It is orange. He has a rectangular top half. It is 3 cm. 1 cm down and ' cm across. It is purple. Noodle Man-Bot has no arms. He only has one leg that is right down the middle. It measures 4 cm down and 1 cm across. His leg is blue. He has one big foot down the middle of his body. It measures 3 cm across and 1 cm down. It is brown. That is how to make Noodle Man-Bot.