NiKKI! Taylor NIKKI comes from Mars.If you find one you should hold your nose, because he reeks.My monster is green and a 3in circle with 1 cm pointy ears . His hair is purple spikes 2in across the top of the head. His eye is 1cm down from the top of the head.His eye is an oval that is 1 in. across and is about 3/4 inch wide .The eye lid covers half of the eye area and it red orange.The bottom half of the eye is baby blue.Small eyelashes go up from the edge of the blue into the orange. There is a gray dot in the middle of the blue.His mouth is an arch that is 1 1/2 in. wide with two pointy teeth on each end of the mouth.They are red. He has two 1 in. long by 1cm long wide green legs. Remember not to step on him because a foul odor will follow you.