Wig Out Mary Kate My monster's name is Wig Out. He is from the 4th dimension. He says his ship crashed and landed here. His head is like an upside down semi-oval that is green. His eyes are orange like a cat's. He has three eyes shaped like footballs located on the center top. He has two orange horns out of the top of his head. His mouth is an upside down triangle with a blue middle. His neck is ' inches long and purple. His teeth are yellow. His torso is horizontally striped with the colors of the rainbow in order red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and indigo. He has two arms on the right and two arms on the left seven on the top, and three on top. Just reverse on right, three on top, and seven on top. His bottom half is blue and round like the rest of his body. His legs are orange and are squiggly like waves. They are 2 inches long. He has been here 9 years and we are best friends, except when he tries to scare me.