Monster Jordan 'Man, that flower shaped monster really freaked me out.' When it grabbed me with those curved upward green arms with three sharp green lines sticking out at the end, I touched it's blinding yellow skin, outlined in blue. It's flashing light and dark blue half circle pedals spotted me as quick as lightning when I tried to escape. Those two purple football eyes pointing downward with lines through them and a purple pupil with six lines coming out of the pupil will go right through you. That purple mask mouth could gobble anyone down within seconds. A purple flower shaped nose like that one with those four purple dots in the center could smell you miles away. With those two, small red half circles on pointed pedals with that one spike attached to that green stem could prick your skin so lightly it would make you shiver. That patch of dirt will run down your body. Let's hope that you don't end up in the same position as me!