Double Trouble Use the paint can when I tell you to color something. My monster has a dark green, square body with 3 light blue circles in the middle. First, draw a big one, a medium size one in the big one, a small one in the medium one. Use the circle tool. 2 asparagus color rectangle arms come out of the square body, 1 on each side of it. Use the line tool to make hands. Not the circle tool. Make 3 fingers on each hand. Color the hands pink. 2 circle heads are coming out of the top of the square body, 1 on each side. The head on the right is really dark blue. The left head is light orange. The heads each have 3 eyes, 1 on each side and 1 in the upper middle. Use the circle tool to do this. Put a line through the middle of all of the eyes and color the bottom half of each eye black. Use the pencil to make a frowning mouth on each head and put it in the regular place that a real mouth should be in. Get out the line tool to make the monster's legs. They are spread apart. Draw a diagonal line through the middle of each leg. Color the top half of the left leg light blue and the bottom half of it kind of dark blue. The right leg has the same colors but the light blue is on the bottom and dark blue is on top. Use the square tool to make gray shoes that come out of the pants. You're Done!