Hippie Sam My monster is the Hippie Monster who is in tune with the 60's and the 70's. He is outlined in blue and is kind of the shape of a star. He has a blue nose, mouth, and two blue eyes. He has two legs and two arms. He is white on the inside, but has blue fur outlining him. He has a vibrant shade of red for hair and his hair sticks straight out in every direction and looks like it got electrocuted. He is wearing blue shoes, a bright orange shirt, and a neon green pair of pants. He also has a light blue band around his forehead, like hippies used to wear. His personality is bubbly and "far out." He says words like "peace, dude, hey, etc." He can adapt anywhere, though he prefers Missouri (who wouldn't?). He will definitely eat anyone who is aggravating him or being annoying. WARNING! Do not, I repeat NOT get on his bad side, or else, trouble for you! Also, do not say something like, "There's going to be war!" or something else like that, because, as a hippie, he does not believe in war. I guess you could say that he condemns war. That is an example of aggravating him and, as I said before, he will eat you. He LOVES it when he's the center of attention or when the "spotlight" is on him. He is, all in all, fun loving and loves a good time.