Spike David Spike is a round little ball that has lots of little spikes around the edge of his body, all of them have a little red spot on the end of them. He uses these spikes to make himself move through the ground quickly. He can also make spikes grow and retract so he can just roll around on top of the ground. His eyes are round; he has black pupils with red little zigzag-looking things around the pupils. His mouth is black inside and is shaped like a horizontally pointing oval. His body around the eyes and mouth is green. He has no visible nose. His personality is kind of like a mole's in his eating habit. He will burrow through the ground and eat anything he can find. After he eats, he will come out of the ground and play. If you get to know him, he will come and play a lot more often. He is really nice and learns fast about how to act in a house, if he is let in your house. He can be a really good friend.