Vandorkula Brittany 1. Make a circle that is medium size and green - 3 in. diameter. 2. Draw alternating orange, red spikes at the top. You need 14. 3. Make yellow antennas with a yellow arrow at the top. 4. Make 3 gray legs with gray shoes and pink laces. 5. Make a blue eye in the middle with a white one around it. Then put a purple circle about 1 cm. wide around the outside of the white one and add two lines one leading to the left edge of the green circle and one leading to the right edge. 6. Make a black oval with 4 green teeth - 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. 7. Make a 1 inch black triangle out to each side of the large green circle. Start them 1 cm. above the line that you drew from the purple circle to the edges in number 5.