Cooleo Rosie Make a curved gravestone that is 2 1/2 inches across and 4 inches up and down. Put 3 straight 1 inch lines and put circles that are 1 cm. up and down. At the bottom of the circle make a half circle that is half a cm. On the gravestone about 2 cm down from the top make a football that is 1 inch up and 1 1/2 inches across. And make a smaller foot ball at the bottom of the eye that is 2 cm. across and 1 cm. up (make three eye lashes that are 1 cm. up). Then make an eyebrow curved about 4 cm. across. Make a lip like the one on your face. Make the lip about 3.5 cm. across and 1.5 cm. up and down. Make pants that flair at the bottom 1 cm. from the side of the monster and 2 cm. between the other leg. Make sure that the leg flairs. The pants are 3.5 up and down and 1 inch across. Now make little gravestone feet at the bottom of the flairs. Make shoes 8 millimeters across and 1 cm. up. Make sure you color lightly according to these directions: Color the gravestone green! Color the lips red. Color the pants blue. Color the shoes black. Color the football that is in the big eye yellow. And color the little half circle yellow!