WEBBIE NICOLE My monster is 8 inches from head to toe. My monster has one big eye that is blue and has little eyelashes. The eye covers most of his head. He has 41 eyelashes, 23 on top and 18 on the bottom. He has no mouth. The head is big and round. His head is 3 inches wide and 2 inches tall. He has a long skinny neck. His neck is 3 inches tall. His tummy is 3 inches tall. His tummy is 3 inches wide. His arms stay flat on his belly. He has 1 inch long arms. His head, body, and neck are tan. He has a round brown circle in the middle of his belly. This circle is 2 and a half inches wide. He has two arms and two legs. His arms are tan, short, and webbed. He has big webbed tan feet. His feet are 1 and a half inches long and a half inch wide.