Mr. String Head Matt G. My monster's name is Mr. String Head. You are going to draw him. First make a green square for its head. The things on the head are in the same spot as yours. The monster has two blue triangle eyes, a dark green triangle nose, and a red squiggly mouth. The head has eleven swirly hairs coming straight out of the square head. At each top of every hair there is a red ball. There is a sideways blue body connected and centered right below the head. The body has three buttons going down the left side of it. The top button is green and says go next to it. The second one is yellow and says slow next to it. The last button is red and says stop next to it. There are two arms going diagonally up from the body. At each end of the arms there are two green hands with ten green fingers. Coming straight out of the bottom of the body there is a upside-down triangle. The triangle is green. At the tip of the triangle there is a blue ball that's the size of a quarter. Below the monster draw the words Mr. String Head. So there you have it--my monster.