Cane Desiree Hi, my name is Desiree. I would like to tell you about Cane. Cane is a Jentle creature who lives in a birdhouse and eats wood, chalk, cheese, walnuts, strawberries, paper, and bread. Drinks water and the yummy juice of an orange. This monster looks realy nice but Dangerous. Lets start with the head. First of all he has a dome-shaped head and round, puffy cheeks. They look as though they have nuts in them. Underneath the cheeks are two long, yellow buck teeth. On top of the cheeks is his nose, which is deep green and his eyes. He has small, black pupils, and sky-blue irises. It has two very small ear, and the center of his ears,, which are usually pink in other animals, is a deep green color. The dome which is his head is brown. Cane has a long, swervy neck, which is also brown. This thing has a short, stubby body, with a sky blue belly. His arms and legs are small. Cane has three fingers on each hand, and two toes on each foot. He has a brown tail that has a cross-hatched design on it. If you ever see this monster, stay at least 10 yards away from it. Cane can be very dangerous with those long yellow teeth