my monster Iris What you do first to make my monster is you start with the head. The head is shaped like a square,75 c m and it is blue. Next you make a mouth, draw a triangular nose in the middle of its face. Then nose is red. Then you make the medium size eyes a little bit above the nose. The eyes have little dots in the middle and they are brown. On top of the head you make two antennas at the edges of the head, and the antennas are yellow. The antennas have little circles at the end of each one. Under the head you make an oval body, and it does not have a neck. The body is purple. After that you make two red spaghetti arms,45 c m long, and going down. Then you make regular circles for hands at the end of the arms and five medium size black claws. The arms are one on each side. They are green and,it has little circles for feet. They are green too.