Sunkren Henry SUNKREN By Henry Hello, have you ever had this problem, your walking in the park and then out of the blue you get hit in the head by something, and then, when you turn around not a thing is there wonder why. Well, here is the truth. These kinds of monsters are called Sunkren. I must say there are a lot of these guys! They like to live in any place with trees. they like schoolyards to. These little guys also like to untie shoes. Are you hoping to know what these guys look like? Read on. Look for this, it looks like a cracked egg with no arms or legs, just a head with a triangle (that is shaped like a normal triangle) that is on its chin this triangle this triangle is brown. It also has two skinny triangles pointing down which start at the top of its head these are also brown. Inside the skinny triangles there are two large eyes. These eyes are black with white pupils. The rest of the body is yellow. Sunkren has five triangles at the top of its head, these are yellow. last but not least it has one stem growing out of its head with two leaves on the top of its stem these leaves are not to big and not to small, and the leaves and stem are green. This monstrous creature is as quick as a stick of butter and as sly as a fox. It loves to play in the water even though it lives in trees. Sunkren will also build its nest out of a wig if it has to. Sunkren also uses its leaves to 'fly' around wherever it wants. So do you think you can learn more about this monster well that's the problem you can't. If you become smart maybe you can, maybe you can'..