Renaelc Trevor Renaelc By Trevor Hi! Allow me to tell you about Renaelc. Right when you thought it was safe to open your closet, something is in there. Something vicious. Something mean. RENAELC STRIKES AGAIN! For example, when you go to bed, with something on your floor, you wake up the next day with it gone' missing! You know that was the end of that shirt! If you are curious on why he cleans, spell Renaelc backwards. This clean freak lives in your closet. Ha! You think you're safe without a closet? WRONG! He'll live under your bed or in your basement. For food, he eats mice and dust, especially together on a stick. This fiesty little fellow has a large, green triangular body that points upward. Right on his heart, there is a large, blue triangular badge, pointing upward, with a smaller triangle on each side, touching the sides of his badge triangle, slanted upward like angel wings. These three badge triangles are known as the Watsy Cleaner symbol. Right under the Watsy Cleaner badge is a circle that swirls around like a snail shell. On top of the triangle body is an orange, almond-shaped head. The small point of the almond shape in on the left side. He has two blue horns, one on each side of his head. They curve up like bull horns. His mouth is also almond-shaped (pointing left), with sharp, triangular orange teeth, going all the way around in his mouth. On top of his head are two wiggily green lines, one on each side. On the top of each line is a green eyeball. There is a brown broom sticking up from each green eye. The wiggily lines are the broomsticks. Below the head are two straight blue arms that have a green Watsy Cleaner symbol on their ends. Underneath the left arm, there is a green dustpan connected to the body by a long, blue line. Underneath the right arm, there is a brown broom connected to the body by a green line. He has two blue legs ending with trianglar feet. Add two more blue triangles to each foot to make a Wats