Hisfy Kelsey Hisfy By Kelsey Have you ever seen a Hisfy flying through the sky? Well let me tell you more about this strange creature. Hisfy's habitat might be strange to you but he can do some good things too. The Hisfy lives in a huge bubble in space and flies to a swamp near by at night. This creature loves to eat the slime that grows at the bottom of lakes and ponds. In the day up in the bubble, Hisfy sends light bursts down to earth that will burn a path for him to slide down to the pond. Hisfy the strange creature has an egg shaped head that is the color of dark forest green trees. On the head of this strange monster there is a long trunk that he uses to suck up all his meals. The color of his trunk is about the color of lime green. Hisfy's trunk is located at the middle of his head. The Hisfy's body is like a long stick with a head at the front and a big floppy tail at the back and two long wings at ether side. Hisfy's tail is like two big flippers that are rounded at the ends. This monster's wings are light blue and stick out from each side of the Hisfy and are pointed at the end. Around the wings of the Hisfy there are little light blue dots. The rest of his body is blue including the tail. On the top of Hisfy's head there are two round eyeballs that are red. The personality of the Hisfy is very strange he loves to be sneaky and sly. He loves to glide trough water. So when your walking around and you see a strange creature flying throw the sky you will know it is the Hisfy!