Nameseehc Sienna Nameseehc By Sienna Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night starving and gone down to the kitchen in search for cheese? Then once you get down to the kitchen your cheese has suddenly disappeared? Well I (the great) can tell you how this all happens. It's known as the Nameseech. It lives on Planet Cheese. Planet Cheese is a very hot place. So all the Nameseehc's have a cold swamp to jump into when they start to melt. These monsters love cheese. They even live on cheese. These cheese lovers often visit earth. They sneak into your fridge and gobble up all your cheese. These little gremlins have purple heads shaped like almonds. They have two big eyes bulging out with black pupils. Their noses are circular and made out of yellow cheddar cheese right under their eyes. The eyes and the nose are all touching each other. They have a big red smile that is at the lower part of the face with one white tooth on the top right jaw and one white tooth on the lower left jaw. These cheesy animals have a beret (a hat) at the top of their head as wide as their head. The hat is made out of yellow cheese too and has a purple button on top. These odd creatures have black neck as thin as a tooth pick and as long as an ant. Their bodies are made out of a rectangular piece of cheddar cheese with holes in it like swiss cheese that's about four times the size of the head. They have black legs as thin as their neck at the bottom of the body that have three purple toes that are circles at the end of their legs that are about two times as long as their neck. Their black arms are about four times the size of their neck and are as thin as their neck. These arms are located on the right and left side of their body. The hands are also black with three fingers with one purple ball at the end of each finger. The fingers are as long as their neck. This peculiar monster wears a red cape with a purple collar. In real life this monster is t