Scaredy Pants Jaime M. Hi can I till you some stuff about my monster . My monster name is Scaredy Pants . My monster lives in a dark cave so nobody can see him. This cave is high up in the mountains and it is as big as three class rooms. The front of the cave is covered with brush and vines, so it is hard to see it . I wouldn't be afraid to be inside this cave because light comes in through holes in the side of the cave. Scaredy Pants is not afraid of the cave either. You might ask why he is called Scaredy Pants. It is because he is scared of cats , dogs,and rats . He is afraid of the noises they make ,and he is not used to these kinds of noises . One time he got bitten by a rat , and it was a pretty bad bite . He has never been bitten by a dog or a cat , but he is still scared of them because he thinks they might chase him . Scaredy Pants likes to eat bats and snakes from his cave . He is a little bit afraid of them , but he still eats them because he thinks they are delicious . He catches them with his hands and feet . He steps on the snakes after he grabs them . His cave has a stream through his cave , and Scaredy Pants can drink from it . My monster has long brown hair and he has big peach colored feet and big peach colored hands . He has a big peach head and he is chunky and big. You can not see his ears . He has brown scars going up his face. His color is blue. He has a Peach colored face and his legs are blue