Officer Lauren Rosemarie My monster's name is Officer Lauren. Her job is to eat all the bad people. She has a gray hammer head and 2 black springs going up and down, one one the left and one on the right coming out of her head. She has one purple eye and a bushy eyebrow. Officer Lauren has a red potato shaped nose with one nostril in the middle. Her mouth is red and regular. Officer Lauren's head is outlined in yellow. Officer Lauren has a blue pointy elf ear, with a smaller ear inside of it. On top of her ears are red hearts with red long hair coming down to her shirt. She has a thick orange squiggly neck. Her shirt is pink. She has a badge on her shirt on the right side with the number 946 on it. Her shirt is a belly shirt. Her stomach is gray. Her arms are green and she has five fingers. She is holding a red donut in the left hand and a green donut in the left hand. She has blue jeans without any pockets. Her 2 legs on the left are orange and her other 2 legs on the left are turquoise.