Polka-Dotted Patty Mrs. Johns and Class Polka Dotted Patty Her head is big and round. she has two large fat antennas coming from the top of her head. she has 3 large oval eyes,that are blue with black dots. her nose is an upside down U with 3 nostrils. She has very large/fat pink lips,and two sharp fangs. She has one eye brow covering the 3eyes. She has bright orange mane like a lion. Her head is attached to her body and her body looks like a long dress. Her arms are long and look like elephant trunks. She has two suction cups for hands. The inside of the suction cups is yellow. She hasvery long feet. Her feet are pink with yellow suction cups on the bottom. She is green with dark purple polka dots. The dots start small at her neck and get bigger as they go down. She has dots on her arms and at the top of her antennas.