Eyes Andrea W My monsters name is Eyes. My monster has a good size circle for a head .Her head is green. On the top of her head she has two curvy lines that are hocked together and one curvy line in the middle of them. The right side of the curvy line is blue and the left side is purple. These are on both sides of the top of her head. In the circle there are four little circles on the top of the circle. Under the two middle circles there are two more. In all the little circles there are blue dots, one in each circle. In the good size circle on the bottom there is a smile with fangs on both sides of the smile. There are three fangs on both sides of the smile .The fangs are red On the side of the circle there are two straight lines. They are close together and short .On the end of the short lines there are up and down lines. These are on both sides of the circle. They are green. In the green circle there are four little circles with tiny dots in the little circles. These are on the top of the circle. Under the two middle little circles there are two more with tiny dots. These are eyes. They are green. On the end of the good size circle there is a stocking shaped leg colored striped. The stripes are colored red violet , blue , red violet , blue , light pink , orange , light pink , orange , green yellow , green yellow , purple , violet red , and in the corner purple. This is a description of my monster.