Fun In sun Courtney Fun in the Sun by Courtney M. 1. Write a medium sized u in the middle of your page. (Make sure there is Still room to put things on both sides of it.) 2. Write F in front of it and N behind it. 3.Draw a circle around the letters. 4. Draw one inch lines then one cm lines in that pattern all around the circle. 5. Color the circle and the lines yellow then color the F blue the U green and the N purple. 6. Draw one non pointy oval on the bottom right corner of the page. (If you are looking at it right. Make the oval like a cloud shape. Like this one ~~~~~~~~~~~ ( Sort of like it. Write inside it fun in the sun in all capital letters. ( 7.Draw a frame around the page and put clouds rin three places it doesn't matter where. 8. Color the background light blue.