Wiggly Ram's Fan Andrew and Dillon Make a long river type body and at the bottom make it round. Then make a medium rectangle head at the top of the head. On the head put six eyeballs on the in side three at the bottom and three at the top. Make a triangle right below the top middle eyeball and the main point goes to the west, color the nose orange. Make a small red rectangle right below the nose. On the out line of the head on the inside of the head color it brown then next to the brown color it blue. Color the rest of the head green. Between the mouth and the nose make a purple mustache. At the top of the head make ten green spikes. On the sides make bumps on each side and they are closer to the bottom the first bumps are brown and every other one is red and brown. Make two orange legs and three toes on each foot. Make a small green circle and color it red. Color four sections of the body, start with blue and end with gold use those colors the hole way down the body. Then right below the head make two gold wings, they have two bumps.