Damien Robby Hi. My monster's name is Damien. My monster is very mean. He is mean because, well here is a hint. His name is Damien. Damien is a demon. He is mean because his rival's name is angle, so that means there has to be an angle and a demon. He was a regular human like me and you until another person pushed him off a cliff named [ANGLE.] Now he wants to punish the world! If you get on his bad side then you better start running. Sometimes when he has nothing to do he will just fly around looking for something to torment. Damien wants to find Angle and make him regret what he did to him. He is spiky all over with fire in the background. He has an oval square head with antennae and a crown on him. The crown is yellow with three red jewels. One is in the middle and one to the right, and one to the left. He has two wings coming out of the back of him. In the middle of his chest is a circle with spikes around it. He has a jet pack coming out of either wing. His circle is orange, but he is yellow except for his legs. They are silver. He has eyes like you and me. He has no ears, but his mouth is straight with little lines in it like teeth; his mouth has spikes around it. One of his arms is sticking out and the other face down. Good luck!!!