Shapey Kristin I made a monster named Shapey. She has a medium circled head. The head is green. She has two square eyes and they are little. They are located near the top of the head. They are blue. She has a little nose. It is located near the middle. It is pink. It is round. She has a smile. It is not so little. It is located close to the nose. It is red. The face is like a person. She has a body. It is big. It is shaped, as a capital V. The head is attached to the upper left part of the body. It is reddish orange. It is wide. She has triangle arms. They look like wings. The are light blue. They are outlined with yellow. The one on the right is medium sized. The one on the left is not so little, but it is littler than the one on the right. They are located on left. The tail is a capital backwards S. It is light green, and it is attached to the right end of the V body.