Complicated Chris Grey Complicated Chris really isn't complicated. His body is a head and a body all in one. It is shaped like a triangle. The triangle is not upside down. His arms are in the middle but on the outside of the triangle. He has legs on the bottom of his body. The legs are pretty far apart. His legs and arms are stick arms and legs. Except his shoes are black and they are oval. There is a short purple antenna on the tip of the triangle. The legs, arms, and outline of the triangle are orange. He has two red horns just below the antenna. The horn on the left is just slightly bigger than the one on the right. The color of the inside of the triangle is light blue. He has two black ovals for eyes. Chris has a circle for a mouth that is black except for whit spots that are all around his mouth. Around the out line of the triangle are green lines that are facing outward. On the two bottom corners of the body are blue spirals. That is all that there is to Complicated Chris.