Fire Angel Julia 1. Draw a circle for the head. 2. Draw two more circles in the head for eyes. 3. Put one flame in each of the eyes. 4. Color the flames yellow. 5. Draw an oval shaped mouth. 6. Draw two fangs sticking out of the mouth. 7. Color the fangs red. 8. Color the face green. 9. Draw two blue curling inward horns. 10 Draw one snake on the right side of the right horn. 11. Draw one snake on the left side of the left horn. 12. Color the snakes green, and add one tongue that is red to the snakes. 13. Draw wavy lines on the side of the head for hair, and color the hair yellow. 14. Draw a long sleeved purple shirt. 15. Draw three fingers at the end of each sleeve, and color them purple. 16. Draw red, wiggly, wings. 17. Draw bird legs, with four eagle claws at the bottom of each leg. 18. Color the feet orange. 19. Draw one blue J on the right side of the right leg, and another J going the opposite way 20. That is how Fire Angel looks like. You're Done!