Groovy Guy Jennie Hi! My name is Groovy Guy. I only come out at night, when the lights are out. Where do I come out from? Good question! I slither out from underneath the fridge. I feast on leftover foods like chicken, potatoes, carrots, and any other leftovers from the fridge. 1. If you want to draw me, you will first need to draw my head. My head will be a circle. 2. Next, you will need to draw a long oval shape and attach it to the base of my head. This will be my body! Inside the body draw a little black dot about half way down. This is my belly button! The body should be lime green. 3. My arms will be 2D squiggles. There are 3 squiggles going out from the body in a sideways directions (about 3" long x '" wide each). The arms should be lime green. 4. For my eyes you will need to draw two straight lines going upward from the head about 3"; then on the tops of the straight lines draw a circle. Inside each of those circles, draw a smaller circle and color it red. 5. My mouth (at the bottom of the head) is a sideways oval, which has a slightly smaller sideways oval inside of it. The outside oval will be red and the inner oval will be a deep blue. 6. To repeat, color my head, arms and body lime green. My pupils are black and the rest of my eye is lime green.