Fubu Brittany Hello! My name is Fubu. I am the monster living in your closet. I feast on the dust bunnies that are left in your closet every day. My best closet friends are Ernie, Spike, Micky and Benji. I will introduce you to myself: 1.To make me appear, you first need to draw one large circle (about the size of a small plate) in the middle of your page. Color this circle lime green after the eyes and mouth are drawn in. 2.Draw two circles the size of a silver dollar for the eyes with the left one overlapping the right one about '". Center these in the middle, top half of your circle. Draw two more circles inside these circles about the size of a quarter and color them royal blue and trace the outside rim in black. 3.Draw two black eyebrows above the eyes slanting in a "surprised" expression. 4.Draw an upside down trapezoid shape for the mouth and color it fuschia. Draw two white pointed teeth on the top and one on the bottom. Draw a fork-shaped snake tongue hanging down from his mouth. Color it dark purple. 5.Draw a beanie cap centered on the top of his head. Create four stripes, coloring them in a pattern of orange, red, purple, orange, red. Draw a one inch line straight up from the beanie cap and draw two half circles coloring the left-sided one royal blue and the right-sided one lime green. 6.Draw two small rounded 3-leaf clover type hands on each side of the large circle in the middle of the body. Color these bright yellow. 7.Draw two short, stubby, club feet on the bottom of the large circle. Color these bright yellow. Good luck creating Fubu!