Rino-Shape Scott Rino Shape is a harmless giant monster. He lives in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Texas, Colorodo, Montana, Mississippi, Missouri, Florida, and New York. He eats algae and moss. He has no weapons and he does not like to fight. Rino Shape is 937,000'92' tall and 543,000'75' feet long. Rino Shape has no friends. Rino Shape is facing sideways. Rino Shapes feet are large semi circles. The front foot is green with red circles in it. The back foot is yellow with purple squares and rectangles in it. Rino Shapes legs are vertical red rectangles. The front leg has yellow squares in it. There are 4 across and 7 down. The back leg has yellow circles in it. There are 4 across and 7 down. Each leg has a small yellow semi circle on the back of it. On the front of each leg there is a vertical yellow rectangle. There are three horizontal red rectangles coming out of each of the vertical yellow rectangles. On each of the six horizontal red rectangles there is a yellow triangle. Rino-Shape's body is a large rectangle. It starts at the end of the front and ends at the end of the back leg. There are seven triangles. There are three orange triangles pointing down and three red triangles pointing up. On the top of his body there are three blue semi-circles. There is a vertical green rectangle coming out of each of the blue semi-circles. On top of each of the green rectangle is a blue triangle with a yellow circle in it. On the bottom of his body there are eight blue upside down triangles. On the back end of his body there is a small black semi-circle. On the front end of his body is a black semi-circle. It starts at the top of his body and ends at the bottom of his body. Rino- Shape has an s-shaped tail. It comes out of the small black semi-circle on the back end of his body. It is made out of six rectangles. Draw a blue horizontal rectangle and an orange vertical rectangle. Draw each of them three times. On the top of the last orange rectangle, draw a small blue triangle. Rino-Shape's head is a horizontal blue rectangle. It comes out of a large black semi-circle on the front of his body. For the mouth, draw a horizontal rectangle inside the horizontal blue rectangle. For the teeth, on the top of the horizontal rectangle that you just drew, draw ten small red triangles pointing down. On the bottom, draw eleven small triangle pointing up. On top of the head draw a small yellow semi-circle. On top of that, draw a vertical blue rectangle. On the left side of the vertical blue rectangle draw a small yellow semi circle. Inside of the small yellow semi circle there is a horizontal rectangle. Inside of the rectangle there is a vertical line. Also on top of his head is an orange triangle horn.