Miky Heaven Leigh Hi, my name is Miky, I live under little girls' and little boys' beds. At night I come out and feed on fuzzy dust bunnies. My best friends are Jumbo the ant, fluffy the spider, Rolly Polly the hamster, and the pizza man! Mmm . . . pizza. Now I'm going to tell you what I look like. 1. Draw a large circle for the body, in the middle in the page. 2. In the top half of the circle, draw a smaller white circle which is the eyeball; the top of this circle is not round, but is a straight line, so that the entire eyeball resembles a sideways letter "C". Color the rest of the circle outside of the eye (the body), lime green. 3. Then draw a small circle in the middle of the eyeball (white circle); colour that circle a sharp blue. It should have a small black pupil with black blood vessels radiating from the pupil. 4. On the sides of my body, draw two short stubby arms with three short fingers. Color them lime green. 5. Attached to the bottom of my body are two, short, stubby legs with two small toes. They are also lime green. 6. I have two, small, yellow horns on the top of my head.