Slanty Rose SLANTY 'NASA, we have a problem. I think there are monsters eating our spaceship! We're going down!' Hello my fellow citizens of Earth. I am going to tell you how to draw Slanty. We are going to draw first, so I would advise you to put away your crayons for now. First, draw a round shaped head and one pointy ear on each side of his head in the same place a human's ears would be. Then, draw two eyes in the center of his head. When you draw the eyes, remember, put one small circle in each eye. After that, draw a smile in the place a human mouth would be. When you are done with that, what you need to do is to draw one curly hair on top and in the middle of his head. Now, we draw a slanted body with the slant to the right. Now, draw two arms on each side of the monster in the same place a human's arms would be. Next, make two legs in place of a human's legs. Ok, make hands on the end of the arms with five fingers. Okay, I hope you're still with me. If you are raise your hand. Very good! Now, we're going to color. First, make both of the ears orange and hands, too. The head is a light blue and so are the arms and legs. Slanty has a purple and light green body. The top half of the body is purple, the bottom half is light green. The circle inside the circle is black. I hope you do a great job with the monster.